Saturday, November 20, 2010

Settling In

It's now been 3 weeks since our arrival to Sydney and what was suppose to be our first week of holiday was really getting down to business. We got settled into our first sublet, got bank accounts (which required an afternoon drink at the pub to make the final decision) and 2 days to get our phones setup. I guess having no credit in a foreign country can only play against you. Alas, we have phones and are very much back on the grid. We also had to file for our TFN, which is basically the Australia version of a social security number. That will come in handy when pay day comes around.

Here are a couple pictures of our hood in Double Bay. A woman we were chatting with just today called it "Double Pay." Rightfully so, it is pretty expensive in this area but its super expensive everywhere. To that point... a good blog name probably would have been And this coming from a gal who was living in Manhattan for the last 6 years. Oy Vey!

This is our place on Cross Street!
This is one block away in front of our apartment. Beautiful public park that overlooks the bay.
More views...
Redfern beach

One more week here and then we are off to our next month long sublet. This one does not include a roommate. Supposedly, our stuff should arrive sometime in January but I guess we will have to wait and see.


  1. Nice to see you guys settling in. What is the deal with the sublets? Do you have to move every month? Happy Thanksgiving from cold, gray Pittsburgh.

  2. We are nomadic until our stuff gets here which should be sometime in January. Until then, we are exploring!
