Sunday, September 23, 2012

I always thought you were tough but now I just think you're crazy!

Unlike most of us, Adam has been blessed with the "Eat whatever you want, barely work out, and still stay skinny" gene. While so many of us work out to stay lean and fit Adam works out for quite the opposite reason, to get bigger.

Well, within the last few months, that has all changed! Since signing up for Tough Mudder, Adam has had to start a training regimen and increase his cardiovascular activity from nothing.  He's been running in the morning with me before work, running on the weekends, and meeting up with his teammates to train. I haven't seen Adam work out this much in the entire 6 years I have known him. (I'll let Adam tell the training tale.)

Just in case you haven't heard, Tough Mudder is a 20km physical challenge with 21 obstacles created by British Special Forces to challenge you in mind, body, camaraderie, and overall mud tolerance.

Yesterday was the day of the event! My friend and I, both with husbands in TM, purchased spectator tickets and signed our death waiver to root for our men on during this mudfest.

The location was a little over an hour north of Sydney, in Glenworth Valley, and the participants were lucky enough to have a glorious day. The weather couldn't have been better. Since the guys had a 9:15am start time we made sure to get up early enough to see them start. I wish I had been able to take a before picture but there are plenty of during and after pictures see.

Here are a few of the obstacles:
1. Electric shock...just like it sounds, you run through a bunch of wires, some of which carry a 10,000 volt charge
2. Ice bath
3. Five meter high jump into muddy water
4. Mud mile...a series of muddy humps and troughs

I always new Adam was tough but now I think he's crazy too!

Monkey bars over a pool of mud
after climbing to the top of the ramp

Finish Line!!

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